Dear Atmarthi Sadhak Shri…..Pranam,
To ensure that you and others fully benefit from the Shibir, full and complete compliance of following Rules is essential.
Welcome to the Inner Journey……
Basic Rules:
- Confirmed Sadhaks will need to reach Shibir venue on Monday, 23rd September, 2019 before 12 noon. Shibir will end on Monday, 30th September, 2019 by 12.30 pm. (other details of the Shibir – venue, time table, detailed instructions etc. will be sent later by 15th September, 2019)
- The inner world opens with silence. Complete silence (Arya Maun) of 24 hours during entire Shibir is compulsory. Even gestures are not permitted. Internalize the bhakti in temple in complete silence.
- Online applicants who receive message of selection will need to pay Rs. 1000 (Refundable Deposit) either though Online or Offline payment option. Those paying through Offline mode will need to upload receipt on the website. Only confirmed applicants who have paid refundable deposit will be allowed to attend.
- Mobile phones and all electronic items are needed to be surrendered at the shibir venue on the day of registration. These will be returned on completion of the Shibir.
- To maintain simplicity and purity, white clothing is compulsory for the whole day of the Shibir. Even for pooja white clothing is essential. Cream coloured clothes are not allowed. (white work in white clothes will be ok. However, golden or silver or coloured lining / border / patchwork / butti etc. will not be allowed.
For females, white salwar-suit with duppata and white saree shall only be permitted. - All sadhaks will be required to attend all sessions as per time schedule.
- Sadhaks should move in and around the shibir venue - temple, bhojanshala etc. looking downwards and observing jayna.
- Please bring your essential medicines. Simple food facilitating sadhana will be served. Outside eatables are not allowed. Facilities for ayambil, tapascharya, etc. will be available.
- Selection of applications will be intimated by 15th August, 2019 in round 1 and by 10th September, 2019 in Round 2. Final confirmation is subject to payment of refundable deposit.
- The above rules have been carefully selected and kept to ensure robustness of sadhana. Please read them carefully to fully comply with the same. No relaxation or laxity will be permitted. Any sadhak not following the Rules may be asked to leave the Shibir.
We wish that your journey is peaceful, introverted and with inner experience.
I Agree to abide by above Rules